Ciprian Dobre is Vice-Rector of the National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, professor and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, coordinator of the Pervasive Services and Products (MobyLab – UPB) laboratory. He was awarded an Oracle PhD fellowship and the IBM Faculty Award, among other awards. Scientific Evaluator for European Commission and for national funding agencies in different programs (Netherlands, Italy, Latvia, Poland, etc.). POLITEHNICA Bucharest representative as member in European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and CESAER (the forum of universities of science and technology in Europe). He works closely with the Ministry of Research, Innovation and d Digitalisation, developing digital tools for the National Research Strategy and previously working as Cabinet Director and IT officer for the organisation.  He is the public face of the EELISA Innocore’s Open Science Ambassadors network.