The EELISA International Mobility Welcome Desk aims is to provide support to all EELISA students, fostering a welcoming and vibrant campus community. Through personalized assistance and a commitment to excellence, we aim to serve as the first point of contact for students who travel to any EELISA campus, offering comprehensive information, resources, and guidance to enhance their academic, social, and personal success. At each institution, the Welcome Desk team strives to create an environment where every student feels valued and supported as they embark on their mobility journey.

** For more detailed information on the services offered by each EELISA member, please contact the EELISA contact points at each institution.

** For more detailed information on the services offered by each EELISA member, please contact the EELISA contact points at each institution.

EELISA Contact Points

Whether you are willing to get on the move or  you are an international student already landed in one of the EELISA universities, here you will find a list of the representatives ready to give you guidance and support:

Scuola Normale Superiore Pisa
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Universitatea Națională de Știință și Tehnologie Politehnica București
İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften


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