EELISA Research Strategy

EELISA R&I strategy is based on the following principles:

  • The collective nature of the EELISA Alliance.
  • Acting with a shared vision.
  • A collaborative strategy development process.
  • Comprehensive strategic understanding.
  • Attention to identifying intra- and inter-organizational resources as the potential impact of EELISA.
  • Emphasizing the complementarities.
  • Detecting and unleashing synergies/complementaries among Alliance members.
  • Combining strategic research lines and dimensions of the R&D strategy.

Collaborative Approach

Adopting a collaborative approach in the development of EELISA innoCORE R&I strategy led to an initial analysis of the tangible and intangible resources of the Alliance and their internal distribution among our members.

EELISA Strategic Research Areas (SRAs)

The first step towards the development of the R&I strategy was the identification of a series of strategic research areas (SRAs) that were selected during InnoCORE’s kick-off meeting (30 September and 1 October 2021). EELISA InnoCORE identified 11 SRAs.

What do we mean by Strategic Research Area?

SRAs are broad categories of research areas that are prioritized for the potential development of joint strategic research efforts. Strategic research areas are strongly linked with the pilot research areas of EELISA (“SMART, GREEN & RESILIENT CITIES” and “SUSTAINABLE & SMART INDUSTRIES”), however, they are also strongly associated with the European Union R&I framework and sustainable development goals.