EELISA Summer School on Platform Urbanism
In this 4 ECTS EELISA Summer School, which includes 4 lectures, 2 guest speakers, 2 lab sessions, 1 site visit, 1 case study, 1 hands-on exercise, and 1 teamwork activity, participants will be introduced to the world of digital platforms in an international and multidisciplinary environment to find answers to the following questions:
– What is Platform Urbanism?
– How do digital platforms analyze and visualize big urban data?
– How do digital platforms use Artificial Intelligence (AI) to read the city and intervene in urban space?
– How does the rise of platforms affect urban socio-spatial practices and services?
– What implications do datafication, platformisation, and algorithms have for everyday urban life?
The Summer School offers a face-to-face learning environment for those who want to develop an innovative digital platform idea, turn it into an R&D project, formulate a commercialization strategy, and create a business model. The Summer School is uniquely designed based on the Innovative Learning Stations Model, which incorporates Active Learning, Crowdsource Learning, Co-Creating Learning, and Life-Long Learning methods.
Applications are open to MSc. / PhD students from the EELISA universities, Early Career Researchers (maximum of 10 years after obtaining their PhD) and Professionals from all over the world.
Through this 3-day summer school, participants will:
– Understand the changing nature and logic of urban experience in the digital age from a sustainability perspective
– Be able to analyse how digital platforms read the city and interfere with urban space
– Evaluate the positive and negative reflections (risks and opportunities) of digitalization and automation on the city, society, nature, and economy
– Explore how to co-create an inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable society through digital platforms
– Be able to develop an innovative digital platform idea, turn it into an R&D project, formulate a commercialization strategy, and create a business model
– Experience Istanbul and become a member of ITU (Bee)
The working language of the Summer School is English.
August 5th & 7th, 2024
Onsite, at Istanbul Techncal Unversty Ayazaga Campus
July 3, 2024, until 19.00 (CEST)
How to apply
Applications will be received until June 28, 2024 (for the waiting list). You can apply for the summer school by filling out this registration form.
The following documentation must be attached to the enrolment application:
– Curriculum Vitae
– Letter of Intention/Motivation (up to 500 words)
A maximum of 30 applicants will be accepted to the summer school. The applicants’ CVs and Letters of Intention/Motivation will be reviewed to decide who will attend. Applicants accepted to the summer school will be notified by email on July 3, 2024.
Registration Fee
– €300 for MSc. and PhD students from EELISA universities
– €500 for Early Career Researchers (within 10 years of obtaining their PhD)
– €700 for Professionals
*Registration fees will be charged after July 3, 2024, when the final list of participants is confirmed. The deadline for payment will be announced later.
* The fees do not include travel and accommodation. Lunch and tea/coffee will be provided during the event.
For EELISA participants, travel and accommodation may be supported by your EELISA institution. Please contact your local EELISA project coordinator beforehand.
Attendance and credentials
Participants who attend the 3 modules of the summer school and are successful in the assessments of each module will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance by ITU Center for Excellence in Education (ITU CEE).
Participants from EELISA institutions will also be eligible to receive EELISA Credentials.
Students who receive the Certificate of Attendance will obtain 6 ECTS.
This summer school has been designed according to the ITU Learning Station Model. You can access the Learning Station of the summer school from this link. Further information on the Learning Station model is available through .
For further inquiries, please contact us at <eelisa@itu.edu.tr>.