EELISA innoCORE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101035811
Our work - Some EELISA PLB initiatives
Members of EELISA Policy Liaisons Board
Roberto Martínez Gamero
Director of the International R&I Project Office at UPM
Martina May
Leader of the European Research Office (euRO) at FAU
Charlotte HUBER
Head of Europe Unit at ENPC Research Department
Dr. Didem Özgür
Lecturer at ITU Projects Coordination Office – International Projects Department
Chiara Carbonaro and Sara Barsanti
European project officer for Research Department at SSSA
EELISA project manager at SSSA
Prof. Dr. Dana Gheorghe
Director of Scientific Research at NUST Politechnica Bucharest
Dr. Laszlo Gergely Vigh
Associate Professor at Budapest University of Technology and Economic and EELISA coordinator at BME
Lorenzo Bartalesi
Pro-rector for Internationalization at SNS