Summer School at the Agrigento Archaeological Site by Archaeology&Architecture community
Archaeology&Architecture community is opening a Summer School at the Agrigento Archaeological Site at the end of September 2022.
The Summer School is organised by SNS, ITU, UPM and SSSA, under the scientific direction of Gianfranco Adornato (SNS), who since 2020 has guided a school-excavation and a systematic investigation on Temple D and in the sacred area of the Valley of the Temples, in close collaboration with the Parco Archeologico e Paesaggistico della Valle dei Templi, Agrigento.
All EELISA Universities are invited to apply.
Places available are limited to 15 and the selection will be carried out by the scientific committee, according to the background of the participants and registration order
From 26-09-2022 to 02-10-2022
Agrigento Archaeological Site
For applying to the Summer School, please fill THIS FORM
There is no fee for participation in the Summer School.
The average cost (food and accommodation) would be around 400€ and has to be covered by participants’ universities. Car renting for transportation to the archaeological site will be necessary.