Be the change you want to see! Institutional Change and Entrepreneurship Micro-Course for Staff
In today’s rapidly changing business environment, innovation and entrepreneurship are critical components of success. This course will provide an in-depth exploration of these concepts, and will teach how to recognise and capitalise on new opportunities, as well as how to cultivate a culture of innovation in our institutions.
In this module, institutional change will be explored focusing on agency, resources, and opportunity dimensions of institutional entrepreneurship to build students’ entrepreneurial capacity further from a systems’ perspective. It will equip participants with the skills, knowledge and mindset necessary to drive innovation and entrepreneurial thinking within our organisation.
By discussing the complex constellations of the actors involved in institutional change, students will be able to identify different types of entrepreneurial actors including governmental organisations, universities, research centers, non-profit organisations, incumbents, and emerging businesses. Agency refers to the motivation and the creativity that drive different actors to break away from the traditional patterns of behavior. These actors need cognitive, social, and material resources to buffer the risk when imposing the institutional changes on the societal systems. Mobilisation of these resources can be done through adopting a systems’ perspective considering the dynamics surrounding the actors’ interactions.
Finally, actors need to identify, discover, or create the market opportunities to increase the likelihood that new goods, services, infrastructures will diffuse and be adopted by the customers, clients, and users. This also requires gaining access to power and lobbying within the socio-political system to legitimise the novelties which threaten the established norms and practices embedded in the existing systems.
As each actor has a different individual identity, the entrepreneurial traits and activities also change from one to another. Students will try to reflect on their personal and entrepreneurial identity characteristics and link them to the overall institutional change framework which will be established throughout the module.
You can also watch this video for further information.