Disciplinary Broadening Workshop on “Sensing Sciences and Technologies”
On this full-day event, organized by SNS and SSSA in collaboration with FAU, PSL, BME, and ITU, experts and academics from different EELISA universities will share their vision and discuss the state of the art of current and future educational programs meant to educate scientists and professionals in the field of “Sensing Sciences and Technologies”. They will present and expand disciplinary domains while covering four different topics.
A rich and balanced panel of Invited Keynotes and Speakers that will inspire and foster a proficient debate over two cluster-based, vertical topics:
Vertical Topic “Sensor micro/nano-science and technology”
Molecular sensors; MEMS Sensors; Photonic Sensors; Quantum Sensors; Modelling methods
Vertical Topic “Senses body-brain-mind sciences”
Sensory Transduction in Biology; Neurophysiology of Physical and Chemical Senses; Neurophysiology of Sensory Mechanisms for Autonomic Regulation; Sensory Perception; Sensory Cognition; Psychophysical methods; Imaging methods at different temporal and spatial scales
* And two communities-based, horizontal topics:
Horizontal Topic “Sensor data processing and applications”
Data processing for Robotics and Industry 4.0, Data processing for Healthcare, Data processing for Smart Cities and Environment, Data processing for Space Sciences / Cosmology / Physics
Horizontal Topic “Sensing social sciences and humanities”
Philosophy of Senses; History of Senses; Societal change of sensor technologies; Intellectual Property Protection of Sensor Technologies; Economics and Management of Sensor Technologies; Arts and senses
December 21st from 9:00 am to 5 pm (CET)