EELISA Days at BME! Students’ Scientific Comtpetition
Along the monh of Novemver, BME will be celebrating its Students’ Scientific Conference, with various programmes connected to the event. These are organized by the Faculties of BME, separately based on their research topics and scientific student work. Please find more information about the programmes here:
– Faculty of Civil Engineering (BME ÉMK): https://tdk.bme.hu/EMK
– Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (BME GPK): https://tdk.bme.hu/GPK
– Faculty of Architecture (BME ÉPK): https://tdk.bme.hu/EPK
– Faculty of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology (BME VBK): https://tdk.bme.hu/VBK
– Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (BME VIK): https://tdk.bme.hu/VIK
– Faculty of Transportation Engineering and Vehicle Engineering (BME KJK): https://tdk.bme.hu/KSK
– Faculty of Natural Sciences (BME TTK): https://tdk.bme.hu/TTK
– Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences (BME GTK): https://tdk.bme.hu/GTK