EELISA Days at SNS!Italo Calvino Special event- The memory of the world: Calvino and the women
A hundred years after the birth of Italo Calvino, the Scuola Normale is celebrating this great author with a full programme of events in collaboration with four of the most important Tuscan theatre companies: Accademia Mutamenti, Arca Azzurra, Lombardi-Tiezzi, and Sacchi di Sabbia.
The first stage was a cycle of four lecture-shows for secondary schools, which were held at the Palazzo della Carovana in Pisa: a special edition of the programme of La Normale a scuola entirely dedicated to Calvino.
The second stage is scheduled to take place at the Palazzo Strozzi site in Florence: this stage will also be arranged in four lecture-shows, lecturers side by side with actors and actresses bringing to life for us Calvino’s most beautiful pages, in a compelling interweaving of readings, in-depth analysis and comments.
The lectures will be held in person at the Sala l’Altana of Palazzo Strozzi, the Florence site of the Scuola Normale Superiore, and will be transmitted in streaming on the Scuola Normale YouTube channel. Participation in the lectures is free of charge and open to all those interested (the public, schools etc.).
How to participate?
To take part in one or more of the lectures in person with your class, simply book at the link reachable by clicking on the title(s) of the meeting(s) you wish to attend.
24th of November
Onsite at Sala l’Altana of Palazzo Strozzi, Florence site of the Scuola Normale Superiore; and online on SNS’s Youtube Channel