EELISA Days at ZHAW! Experience friendship with AI immersively – science fiction prototyping for responsible innovation
In an Agora science communication project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), ZHAW researchers who work with avatars, virtual reality (VR) and chatbots enter into a dialogue with young people.
How do teenagers and young adults think about artificial intelligence that has emotional capabilities? The basis of the dialogue is an immersive future scenario developed for this purpose, which enables everyday life to be experienced with increasingly empathetic digital companions.
Since March 2023, teenagers and young adults have been able to travel to the residential community of the future with VR glasses in the Technorama and as part of school visits and student projects and decide for themselves which technological advances they want to take part in or not. The discussions with the researchers before and after the multilinear VR experience were evaluated using discourse analysis.
November 28th 2023, from 5:30 PM to 8 PM
Swiss Science Center Technorama, Technoramastrasse 1, 8404 Winterthur