EELISA Days Challenge – Techallenge: future technologies in Smart city and Industry 4.0
The University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB), as a member of the EELISA European University, in partnership with Honeywell Romania, will host a contest of projects during the 6th edition of the TECHALLENGE Competition. From this year on, this challenge will be part of the EELISA events series orgaised by UPB.
The contest has two categories, one for high-school students and one for university students. The selected teams of high-school/university students will present their projects to the evaluation committee. For each category there will be three prizes awarded, three mentions and a special “Elisa Leonida Zamfirescu” prize for a high-school girl student, and respectively one “Elisa Leonida Zamfirescu” special prize for a female university student.
10th and 11th of November, at 09:00
Universitatea Politehnica din București