EELISA Days Lecture – Green AI: Image Analysis for Environmental Monitoring. By Dr. Behçet Ugur Töreyin
Dr. Behçet Ugur Töreyin will give a lecture about state-of-the-art image analysis based systems for environmental monitoring. Specifically, wildfire detection and fish behavior analysis approaches will be reviewed.
He would also provide an overview of environmental monitoring related projects carried out by the “Signal Processing for Computational Intelligence Group – SPACING” of Informatics Institute at Istanbul Technical University, will be presented.
November 16th from 10:15 to 11.45 CEST
Onsite at FAU: 00.010 – MaD-Lab Seminarraum, Carl-Thiersch-Str. 2b, 91052 Erlangen
and online via Zoom. Click here to join the call.