EELISA Innovation Talks #2 – The Future of E-Mobility: Great Challenges and Opportunities for European Societies
At the latest with the recent decision of the European Parliament to ban the sale of new cars with combustion engines from 2035, the future of mobility seems to be e-mobility. This poses great challenges and opportunities for European societies. Many jobs still depend on the combustion engine and in the field of e-mobility American and Chinese competitors are challenging the competitiveness of the German and European automotive industries. If Europe is to successfully manage the shift towards a more sustainable future and retain its technology leadership and global competitiveness, the education of European engineers must be adapted to these challenges.
In this EELISA Innovation Talk organised by FAU, Prof. Jörg Franke (FAU) will outline the future of e-mobility with its great challenges and opportunities for European societies, addressing European students, researchers, innovators, and the interested public.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Franke is head of the Chair for Manufacturing Automation and Production Systems (FAPS) at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
25th of July 2022 @ 18:00 (CEST)
Offline: Aula im Schloss, Schlossplatz 4, Erlangen
Online: HERE