Get ready for the EELISA UNFOLDS InnoHack
InnoHack is a unique and effective response to societal challenges, a hackathon organized by University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB) to support the Innovation and Entrepreneurship ecosystem across the EELISA partners. We will turn on creative, impactful, and sustainable ideas into solutions. InnoHack puts EELISA values and vision into practice tackling the nowadays issues and future challenges, focusing on 7 main topics:
Agritech, Food & Water
CleanTech & Energy
Enabling Technologies
Transportation and Smart Cities
Smart crafted workshops on team building, product/service design, value growth, and pitching enliven the event agenda. Highly skilled and successful mentors across Europe and various industries will fuel the 3 days inception processes and will foster this empowering experience.
InnoHack is open to all European Engineers of the Future: students and researchers from the EELISA European University members and partners, having an idea or not, being already member of a team or neither. The event enhances inter and transdisciplinary, multilingual, diverse, collaborative, and pan-European out-of-the-box approaches to boost the Sustainable Development Goals accomplishment, excellence, and innovation.
From 11-11-2022 to 13-11-2022
University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Central Library, Romania
To participate, please fill THIS FORM