IACH – InnovACtion in Healthcare (Seasonal School)
IACH – InnovACtion in Healthcare: strategy, performance and data management
The IACH School will cover specific research topics underpinning public health care system, with an emphasis on the analysis of real world evidence and data for a better use of assets and resources to achieve better outcomes and improved efficiency of care.
The course will address the managerial implications of the recent pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), in terms of resilience and innovation. Students will explore, with both a theoretical and empirical approach, tools and frameworks related to data management, business and process reengineering, innovation strategies, decision-making processes, and performance assessment in the field of health care services.
Innovation will be a key topic, meant as organizational, behavioral, and technological innovation. Innovative solution to boost patients and community participation, engagement and co-production in the care process will be discussed and analyzed in different setting of care. Students will be able to discuss challenging research issues, such as: how to measure and assess multi-stakeholder and multi-dimensional performance in health care; what are possible data driven solutions to cope with variation; how to develop innovative patient-driven interventions; what are the main levers to improve quality and appropriateness of care and how to address challenges facing the crisis, such as the pandemic, from the organizational perspective. Finally, different research methodological approcah will be discussed.
35 hours, 4 ECTS, assessment test at the end of the School.
From 3-10-2022 to 07-10-2022
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa
For applying to this Seasonal School, please register HERE
Students enrolled in the EELISA partner Universities are waived from the enrolment fees. Travel and accommodation are not covered.