Information session on EELISA InnoCORE tools for researchers
EELISA INNOvation and COmmon REsearch Strategy (InnoCORE) is the research and innovation wing of EELISA. Under InnoCORE, EELISA has put in place a set of initiatives to boost connections among EELISA researchers, namely the second call for research workshops EELISA Connect, the EELISA Research Networking Platform and the EELISA catalogue of research facilities (link available soon). During this information session, we will explain how to use these tools and we will answer all doubts.
09:00 to 09:05 | Welcome
Prof. Asunción Gómez-Pérez, Vice-Rector for Research, Innovation and Doctoral Studies at UPM, Principal Investigator of EELISA InnoCORE |
09:05-09:15 | Introduction to EELISA InnoCORE
Isabel Salgueiro, EELISA InnoCORE Project Manager at UPM |
09:15 to 10:00
Presentation and Q&A |
Boosting connections among EELISA researchers EELISA Connect final call for workshops https://eelisa.eu/eelisa-connect-final-call-for-workshops/ Sara Barsanti, EELISA InnoCORE project manager at SSSA |
10:00 to 10:30
Presentation and Q&A |
EELISA Research Networking Platform
https://community.eelisa.eu/research-network/ Simona Gallerani, EELISA InnoCORE WP5 leader |
10:30 to 10:45 Presentation and Q&A | EELISA Catalogue of Research Facilities (available soon)
Antoine Mercier, EELISA InnoCORE coordinator at PSL |
10:45 to 11:00 | Other questions |
For Whom
Researchers from EELISA partners
24 October from 09 AM to 11 AM (CEST)
Online, via Zoom