Join POST Spring School to learn “The role and value of Partnerships in Sustainability Transformations”
POST Spring School will be organised by FAU from 24-26 May 2023 in Nürnberg, Germany by the Centre for Human Rights Erlangen-Nürnberg (CHREN) and Chair for Corporate Sustainability Management. It will focus on deepening the understanding of multi-stakeholder partnerships engaged in tackling grand sustainability challenges of our times. As such, it will help participants explore the ‘values’ dimension of partnerships and probe it from two aspects
1. Corporate Sustainability perspective
2. Business and Human Rights perspective
Businesses have had to adopt different pathways to influence positive transformation at both the organisational and societal levels. In this regard, a prominent approach has been to forge partnerships with cross-sector or non-business actors such as the government, civil society, practitioners, academia and community to collectivise ideas, resources, and action on sustainability.
Similar is the case when it comes to business and human rights. Today, it is increasingly being expected that Corporate Responsibility in regard to human rights must go beyond ‘doing no harm’ and include a proactive engagement to respect human rights. In order to do so, corporations need to partner with each other and with other well-positioned activist groups and organizations. One of the critical benefits of taking a multistakeholder approach is that it can potentially enhance the ‘leverage’ of companies, which refers to the capacity of companies to address harmful practices related to their business operations by influencing their own behaviour, as well as that of suppliers, customers, consumers and governments.
5th May 2023
May 24th to 26th, 2023, from 13:00 to 17:00 CEST
On-site in FAU Lange Gasse and Findelgasse in Nuremberg