Knowledge Bites #15 : How to integrate an Open Science service or data-source into the EOSC portal?
European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) offers researchers, innovators, companies and the general public a federated and open multi-disciplinary environment. Using the e-infrastructure of this environment, users can publish, search and reuse data-sets, various tools and services for research, innovation and education. Data and related services in EOSC are established on FAIR principles.
In this presentation, we will give a short introduction to EOSC and show the process by which the providers – organizations like universities – of services can register themselves and then onboard their respective services. Some of the examples of such services will be shown. We will also present the benefits that the users of the EOSC gain by using the tools and e-infrastructure of the EOSC.
Sabeel Shah, Data and Software Engineer at University of Bielefeld
May 26, 2023, Friday, 12:00-13:00 CSET
Online via Zoom, access through registration
This session has been organised by the EELISA Open Science Community, check out the community platform to learn more.