Moving Towards New Urban Centralities: Multimodal Stations
Urban integration, mobility meausures and technological solutions
A three-day intensive working seminar on multimodal stations, with the participation of international professors, experts and external actors covering multiple disciplines. The Seminar combines theoretical and practical sessions with a Service Based Learning approach.
Location: Príncipe Pío Station, Madrid
Date: 14-16th October 2021
Learning objectives:
• Detect improvement opportunities in urban stations and their surroundings
• Learn the design and management principles of public places, considering sustainability, equity and health principles
• Familiarize with technical and technological functioning of multimodal stations and the external actors involved
• Gain awareness of the needs of vulnerable people and know the universal accessibility standards
• Work in multidisciplinary teams and develop integrated and comprehensive proposals
Service objectives:
• Create new urban centralities, where leisure and commerce activities are developed
• Urban and environmental improvement of the stations, with benefits to passengers and neighbours
• Think solutions based on transport management, new technologies and telecommunications, improving passengers’ experience
• Professors and Students from the following European universities: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, École des Ponts ParisTech, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Istanbul Technic University and Friedrich-Alexander Üniversitat Erlangen-Nürnberg and from multiple disciplines, such as Civil Engineering, Architecture, Construction, Forest Engineering, Industry, Telecommunications and Business Management
• Stakeholders such as City Council, Regional Transport Authority, disability Associations or telecommunication companies