The EELISA’s pioneering journey and the context of the European Universities Initiative
Three years after its pioneering journey started, the European University Alliance EELISA will celebrate the start of its second phase during the 1st EELISA International Conference. In this context, the first plenary session will reflect on its pioneering journey, while creating a platform to share and debate how its endevour has been turned into a reality. This session aims to explore the path of European Alliances and how their experiences and expectations can be shared, looking towards the next steps in the years to come.
This session aims to:
– Recall the goals of the European Universities Initiative, take stock of the progress made so far and share expected future directions for the initiative.
– Celebrate and disseminate what EELISA has developed and achieved after three years of experimentation.
– Considering the complexity of the challenge given to European Universities, showcase what has been learnt from this process and how EELISA is contributing to pave the way for the future in a way that is meaningful for every actor involved.
– Integrate the vision of the European Alliances from some Member States.
Open to the public
5 of October from 10 AM to 11 AM (CEST+1 / UTC+3)
National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest
Aula Conference Centre
In order of appearance
Cristian Lerminiaux (Moderator)
Christian Lerminiaux is the Director of the École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris – PSL since December 2014. Previous to this post, he served as Executive Director of the National Association for Research and Technology (ANRT) and headed up the Université de Technologie de Troyes (UTT). He also served as President of CDEFI, the Conference of French Engineering School Directors. Graduate of ENS Cachan (1977-1982), Christian Lerminiaux is Agrégé in Physics and holds a PhD in Atomic Physics. In 1989, he began working for the U.S. company Corning, a world-class leader in fiber optics. In 2001, he was appointed Global Director of Technology for optics technologies and components. In addition, he served as Director of Microsystems Programs at CEA Leti from 2003-2004, and he is a Knight (Chevalier) of the French Légion d’Honneur.
Vanessa Debiais-Sainton
She leads the Unit in charge of European Higher Education policies and programme at the European Commission’s Directorate General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture. The unit is the lead service for the development of the European Education Area’s higher education dimension, including the European Strategy for Universities presented in January 2022. This includes the development and implementation of flagship initiatives such as: ‘European Universities’ alliances, a joint European degree, the European student card initiative, a European Approach to Micro-credentials, the automatic recognition of higher education qualifications, tracking graduates and the higher education strand of Erasmus+. In previous posts in the European Commission, Vanessa has worked in DG Research and Innovation. Before moving to the European Commission in 2006, Vanessa spent eight years working for several chemical companies.
Madlen Șerban
Madlen Șerban is an associate professor at the University of Bucharest’s Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. She served as the director of the European agency for human capital development (ETF) for eight years. Before this, she directed Romania’s National Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training and served as the first president of the National Adult Training Board. Madlen also chaired the Boosting and Fostering Human Capital Development Task Force under the Stability Pact for South East of Europe and worked as an international expert evaluating UNESCO’s services under the Oil for Food Programme in Iraq. She is an active member of Soroptimist International, where she served as advocacy coordinator for Romania from 2020 to 2022, promoting girls’ and women’s rights through education and training.
Wendy M. Purcell
She is an Academic Research Scholar at Harvard University, USA. She is also an Emeritus Professor and was President Vice-Chancellor of Plymouth University, UK. Wendy Purcell is a Council Member of the United Nations University, and a Fellow of EAUC: The Alliance for Sustainability Education and Chair of its Leadership Academy. She is also a strategic advisor to a range of global universities, companies, and charitable organizations, including, as well as External Counsellor of the EELISA Governing Board.
Markus González Beilfuss,
He is the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Universities; Vice-Rector for lnternational Policy of the University of Barcelona (2021); General Director for lmmigration, Government of Spain (2010-2011); Legal adviser to the Spanish Constitutional Court (2005-2010); and Professor of Constitutional Law from the University of Barcelona (since 2001).
His main lines of research and teaching are: lmmigration, Trafficking of Human Beings, Constitutional Justice and Territorial Organization of Power. Author of numerous publications in these fields. “Francisco Tomás y Valiente” Award (1999) for research related to constitutional jurisdiction, given by the Spanish Constitutional Court and the Centre for Political and Constitutional Studies of the Spanish government. Experience as an international expert of the United Nations Development Program and the Council of Europe.
Thimothée Toury
He is currently the Secretary General, European University of Technology (EUt+), having served as a Research Engineer at CNRS (2005-2006) and as an Associate Professor at the University of Technology of Troyes (since 2006).
He was the first Vice-President of the University of Champagne (ComUE) from 2016 to 2017. He has also managed UTT’s core engineering program from 2008 to 2011 and directed training and pedagogy from 2012 to 2015. I’ve also led European projects to implement global engineering education standards, such as Erasmus+/CBHE MOSE-FIC (2017-2020) and Erasmus+/CBHE ASICIAO (2018-2021).
Additionally, he has contributed to quality evaluation and management initiatives and served as a scientific mediator and board member for educational networks.
Radu Văcăreanu
He is a Graduated Civil Engineering from the Technical University of Iasi, Romania. He got his Ph.D. from the Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest (UTCB) in 1999 in the field of seismic risk assessment. Currently, he is Professor of Structural Reliability and Seismic Risk Analysis at UTCB. Radu Văcăreanu is President of the European Association for Earthquake Engineering (EAEE), National Delegate of Romania at the International Association for Earthquake Engineering (IAEE) and Executive President of the National Commission for Earthquake Engineering of Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration of Romania. In between 2002 and 2008 he served as the director of the National Centre for Seismic Risk Reduction, implementing the JICA (Japan Technical Cooperation Agency) Project on Seismic Risk Reduction for Buildings and Structures in Romania.
Radu Văcăreanu participated in international projects and coordinated national projects aiming at seismic risk reduction. He published numerous papers in peer-reviewed journals and international conferences proceedings. His research interest covers mainly the seismic hazard, fragility and risk analyses. Since March 2016 he serves as the Rector of the Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest.+
Ligia DECA
She assumed the role of Romania’s Minister of Education on October 3, 2022. Prior to this, she served as the Presidential Adviser for Education and Research, overseeing the Educated Romania project, which aimed to formulate a strategic vision for the country’s education sector.
Furthermore, she holds the position of University Lecturer at the National University for Political Studies and Public Administration in Bucharest. Ligia Deca holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Luxembourg, with a research focus on higher education internationalization. She is an accomplished author of numerous papers and studies in the field of education policy, addressing topics ranging from the internationalization of tertiary education to adaptive educational practices during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Her extensive expertise has been sought after by organizations including the Council of Europe, European Commission, EQAR, DAAD, and more. In recognition of her exceptional contributions, she was honoured with the 2023 European Association for International Education (EAIE) Award for Vision and Leadership. Since 2023, she has also served as a member of the UN Secretary General on Teaching Careers.
Bogdan Gruia Ivan
He serves as Minister of Research, Innovation and Digitalisation of Romania and is Member of Parliament since his election in 2020. Prior to this role, he held various significant positions in the field of public administration and education. Between July 2012 and November 2020, Ivan acted as an adviser to the President of the Bistrița-Năsăud County Council while simultaneously serving as the spokesperson for the council. From 2015 to 2017 he worked as an expert in strategy development for a project aimed at providing equal opportunities to children from vulnerable groups.
Bogdan-Gruia Ivan’s academic journey includes studying at Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca. He completed his undergraduate degree in Public Administration from 2009 to 2012 and pursued a Master’s degree in Communication and Public Relations from 2012 to 2014. Furthermore, since 2016, he has been actively engaged in doctoral studies at the University of Bucharest, focusing on sociology. Ivan’s multifaceted career also includes parliamentary responsibilities as a member of the Committee for Public Administration and Territorial Planning and the Committee for Information Technology and Communications, where he has held both secretary and vice-chair positions. In addition to his formal roles, he has contributed to international conferences, founded a philanthropic association, and earned scholarships and recognitions for his dedication to education and leadership.
EELISA has received funding from the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme under GA No. 101004081 / EELISA-InnoCORE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 R & I programme under GA No. 101035811