European Knowledge Graph Engineer

The community’s mission is to define the requirements and the being of a European Knowledge Graph Engineer while promoting and fostering European collaboration. The main focus is to enable collaborative projects and research to manifest the community’s purpose.

What are the key goals of your EELISA Community for 2022?

Collaborative projects (tbd), research projects


What kind of Community Engagement are you looking for?

Working on SDGs “Quality Education” and “Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure”.


What kind of people/stakeholders are you looking for?

People working with Semantic Web and Knowledge Graph technologies, people who consider to apply these technologies in future to extend their research scope


What (type of) activities are you offering to Community participants? Please name up to 5 keywords.

Shared lectures, summer schools, hackathons, research visits.




EELISA Community member institutions & members‘ names:

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM).