JEDI, the newest opportunity to explore a potential European label for joint programs in engineering

  The Joint European Degree Label in engineering (JEDI) is one of the projects from the Erasmus+ Programme, under the ERASMUS-EDU-2022-POL-EXP call for policy experimentation in higher education. It relies on the joint collaboration of 16 higher education institutions (HEI), spread out in 11 countries, to explore, during one-year, common criterion for a potential European…

“European Engineering Projectwork”, a course that brings engineering education to the next level

As an alliance of Higher Education Institutions encompassing many graduate engineering schools and technological universities, EELISA aims to develop a new EELISA European engineer profile. A compelling, implementable, and shared model that inspires the necessary transformations in the training processes to foster the new generation of professionals ready to address and contribute to the new…