Exploring the Future: Launch of the Second Edition of the EELISA Joint Master in Digital Twins

Digital Twins are virtual replicas of physical entities that use real-time data and simulations to optimize performance and predict outcomes. They are used across various industries, to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and improve decision-making. The integration of digital twins represents a significant step forward in how digitalization impacts society and industry, providing powerful tools to tacke…

European Universities alliances unite to create a joint Community of Practice

European Universities alliances are joining forces in a project called FOR-EU4All. The project brings together all current and future European Universities alliances—numbering over 60—into a unified, cohesive structure. The goal is to foster a collaborative and supportive environment where best practices and experiences can be shared not only among the alliances themselves but also with…

What is like to be part of the 2nd EELISA Student Scientific Competition?

Participating on a Scientific competition can be a thrilling endeavour, especially for first-timers. For many EELISA Students, the 2nd Student Scientific Competition has offered the chance to step into the world of academia, where knowledge, experiences and, of course, results are shared with peers from different nationalities. Traveling, meeting new people, exploring different cities, and…

From Sant’Anna School to Zollhof, the participation of Muhammad Waseem Akram in FAU’s tech incubator Hackathon

During May 14th and 15th, over  200 hackers, engineers, and business enthusiasts joined together at  at Z-Bau, Nürnberg. Organized by Zollhof, FAU’s tech incubator, the HACK|BAY, is a hackathon with the means to find tech solutions to real challenges. This year’s edition had four topic-based challenges: Predicting the Future of Travel Trends, Leveling up Corporate…

Elephant, whale, sun and a heart full of colour – Work Package Leaders Meeting at FAU

Mirjam Mbumaston, Esra Hergert, University founder Markgraf Friedrich von Brandenburg-Bayreuth, Petra Moog, Myra Posluschny-Treuner (from left to right) From May 22nd to 24th, the Rectors, Vice-Rectors, Presidents and Directors of EELISA, as well as representatives of the EELISA Executive Board, EELISA Student Council and members of EELISA Working Teams, convened in Erlangen, Germany.  This “EELISA…

PAULA GARCÍA: “Young people are not the generation of the future; we are the voice that must be heard in the present.”

Between April 10-12, the 3rd edition of the European Student Assembly was held at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, a forum attended by over 250 students from alliances of European Universities to discuss current issues and develop policy recommendations for the future of Europe. Paula García, UPM student, shares with us in this interview conducted…

EELISA Governing Board members during Istambul's Strategig Meeting, July 2023

Grand Meeting of EELISA in Erlangen: Consolidating the Future of the Alliance

EELISA Governing Board Members in Istambul, during 2023’s July strategic meeting The Rectors, Vice-Rectors, Presidents and Directors of EELISA, as well as representatives of the EELISA Executive Board, EELISA Student Council and members of EELISA Working Teams, will convene in Erlangen, Germany, from May 22nd to 24th Teams made of students, faculty, researchers, staff, and…

Boost your research with EELISA InnoCORE!

EELISA’s InnoCORE serves as the dynamic research and innovation arm of the alliance, embodying a spirit of creativity and forward-thinking. It operates within the framework of EELISA’s ecosystem, drawing from the collective knowledge and challenges identified by its diverse communities. InnoCORE has played a pivotal role in driving institutional transformation by focusing on research and…