Participating on a Scientific competition can be a thrilling endeavour, especially for first-timers. For many EELISA Students, the 2nd Student Scientific Competition has offered the chance to step into the world of academia, where knowledge, experiences and, of course, results are shared with peers from different nationalities.
Traveling, meeting new people, exploring different cities, and gathering new approaches to topics within and out of one’s study field… The EELISA conference provided the platform for over 140 students from various disciplines to showcase their research and forge new connections. For many, it was a significant starting milestone in their academic journeys.
Although the EELISA 2nd Student Scientific Competition was held on June 10th and 11th, just a few days before, Dóra Vincze, MSc Student of Biomedical Engineering at BME, feared for its cancellation: “Due to the flooding of the Danube, I was afraid that it would not be held, but I was impressed by the flexibility of the organizers to adapt to the circumstances.” Even though the original building was not available, all the sessions were moved to a new location, granting its celebration: “The opportunity to attend the EELISA conference was a great honour. I never thought my research would reach such heights, let alone win my session.” concluded Dóra.
Samuel Reyes, a Master’s student in Machine Learning and Big Data at UPM, agreed with this sentiment. “This competition has been a milestone in my exposure. The feedback and connections made during this event are invaluable,” he said.
Dóra Vincze
Dóra Vincze (BME)
The opportunity to attend the EELISA conference was a great honour. I never thought my research would reach such heights.
Samuel Reyes
Samuel Reyes (UPM)
One of the most rewarding aspects of this experience was the improvement in my presentation skills and the confidence I gained in defending my ideas
Echoing his feeling, Alessandro Pasqui, a theoretical physicist in his third year as a PhD student at PSL University, remarked that the competition was a significant experience during the final phase of his studies. “I now prepare to wrap up my project and defend my thesis, and this competition provided an excellent opportunity to receive feedback from peers and experts on my work, as well as to network with other young scientists”.
For Suvija Suthakaran, a Biotechnology bachelor’s student at ZHAW, the experience was particularly impactful: “As a bachelor’s student, presenting my project alongside talented Master’s and PhD students was a bit intimidating, but it was an enriching experience. Therefore, I am extremely proud to announce that I was awarded the 2nd prize in the ‘Chemical and Bioengineering’ field!” she shared.
Suvija Suthakaran
Suvija Suthakaran (ZHAW)
I was able to listen to very valuable research presentations in my own session. I would like to highlight the work of a colleague who, as a high school student, presented research that often cannot even be done by professors or PhD students.
Alessandro Pasqui
Alessandro Pasqui (PSL)
The competition was a memorable and enriching professional and
social experience.
The nerves that can accompany presenting your work can appear whether you are a Bachelor’s student or a PhD candidate. “I was quite stressed beforehand,” noted Alessandro Pasqui. “After the competition, a colleague and I decided to de-stress at the Central Market in Budapest, where we enjoyed a late and hearty lunch of traditional Hungarian food.”
Indeed, the social aspect of an international competition cannot be overlooked. For Miguel Ureña, a civil engineering student from UPM, “The event was a fantastic opportunity to network with students from other EELISA universities and learn about their research. I was impressed by the high quality of everyone’s presentations and am very grateful to all my colleagues, especially the other UPM students, for making the days in Budapest so enjoyable.”
Gao Nuofan
Gao Nuofan (SSSA)
I believe my research on the Chinese metaverse industry aligns perfectly with one of the key perspectives of EELISA EU: solving global challenges by breaking down barriers between disciplines and countries
Miguel Ureña
Miguel Ureña (UPM)
I appreciated the diversity of topics presented, including those outside of engineering, with even a social sciences category.
The opportunity of creating a network of colleagues with different backgrounds is a significant part of the EELISA Student Scientific Competition. For Gao Nuofan, a student in Molecular Biotechnology at SSSA, this was one of the reasons that encouraged him to join again. “Having participated in the first edition of the competition, this year was an opportunity for me to reconnect with students I had previously met and to learn about the progress they had made over the past year,” he said.
On a simmilar note, Pawan Kumar, a Master of Science in Finance student at BME, also highlighted the social aspect of the event, which served as motivation for him. “One of the perks of being part of this type of experience is the opportunity to meet new colleagues,” he remarked. “I exchanged ideas with researchers from various disciplines, learning about groundbreaking projects in fields I never knew existed.”
Pawan Kumar
Pawan Kumar (BME)
The EELISA competition wasn’t just about winning; it was about learning and growth.
Jacob González
Jacob González (UPM)
The 2nd Scientific Student Competition was not just about engineering; it was about embracing a multitude of disciplines
Even though István Andorfi couldn’t participate in the social programs, he felt inspired by his colleagues’ enthusiasm. “I have still felt the morale of the conference members. Being a student at BME, I could not get the feeling of exploring a new country and a new culture, but I was really proud that my university provided a home for such a competition,” he shared.
Interdisciplinarity enriches research, enhances education, and is crucial for tackling complex issues. For Jacob Gonzalez, an MSc in Computational Biology student at UPM, this aspect was vital. “At first, I was unsure if my background would fit into the competition. But these worries were unfounded. I have found that all types of backgrounds are not only welcomed but also valued here.” He emphasized the importance of collaboration, stating, “I realized the parallels between our passions and the common drive to solve problems and improve lives. Every presentation offered a new perspective, and I found myself inspired by the creativity and dedication of my peers.”

The opportunity of broadening horizons in research is always an enriching task, which Gao Nuofan highlights, as the opportunity of conducting a case study on the Chinese metaverse industry as presented to him: “By stepping outside my primary field of molecular biotechnology and exploring the intersection of technology, economics, and culture, I gained a broader perspective on how different disciplines can come together to address global challenges.”