European Universities alliances unite to create a joint Community of Practice

European Universities alliances are joining forces in a project called FOR-EU4All. The project brings together all current and future European Universities alliances—numbering over 60—into a unified, cohesive structure. The goal is to foster a collaborative and supportive environment where best practices and experiences can be shared not only among the alliances themselves but also with…

How can Remote Sensing and GIS applied to international cooperation in the context of flooded territories? Join this three-day workshop to find out

GIS & remote sensing are powerful tools for monitoring large areas. Delimiting territories affected by a catastrophe and quantifying the damage to forests, farmland, and buildings is the first step in recovery and decision-making. In tropical areas, clouds prevent optical sensors good performance, however, radar sensor is not affected and is very effective in describing…

New opportunities & student collaboration: Sonia Maer’s experience at EELISA’s Communication, Dissemination and Branding meeting

With the beginning of a new year and an exciting Phase 2 ahead for EELISA, it becomes imperative for all its members to converge and chart out fresh roadmaps for the years to come. To envision EELISA’s Communication opportunities and challenges, on the 19th and 20th of February 2024, all members of EELISA’s WP3 (Communication,…

ZHAW HealthTech Summer School: Creating disruptive digital health and medical device solutions from patient needs to investor pitch

This 6 ECTS- and Triple-E Award winning program is modelled on the pioneering Stanford Biodesign training to identify major market opportunities and invent high potential digital health solutions (e.g. AI-based cancer detection, patient apps or DTx) or medical devices (e.g. implants). It provides hands-on experience in shadowing patients and physicians, develop a compelling product idea…

Save the date for the EELISA External Stakeholders Meeting: the conversation that will expand the impact of our alliance!

The EELISA External Stakeholders Meeting aims to create a space of conversation between EELISA University Alliance Members and external stakeholders. A place to share ideas and match expectations! The main topics of the event will be “Internships and Job Opportunities for Recent Graduates” and the “EELISA European Engineer Model”. Two relevant subjects for the future…

Learn to be visible with this practical guide to networking!

  The changing dynamics of the European research funding scene, the growing importance of social media and the need to achieve wider societal impact beyond academia requires new strategies for researchers to be visible before potential future collaborators. The interactive session by Dr. Schenk Borbála (Chief European Research Funding Advisor at BME-FIEK Center for University-Industry Cooperation)…