How can Remote Sensing and GIS applied to international cooperation in the context of flooded territories? Join this three-day workshop to find out
GIS & remote sensing are powerful tools for monitoring large areas. Delimiting territories affected by a catastrophe and quantifying the damage to forests, farmland, and buildings is the first step in recovery and decision-making. In tropical areas, clouds prevent optical sensors good performance, however, radar sensor is not affected and is very effective in describing flooded areas.
With this this workshop, the aim is to obtain cartography of the territories affected by the recent floods suffered by Brazil in 2024, making said information publicly available through Waterproofing Data Project.
To carry it out, participants will work as a team during 3 synchronous sessions (in person or online) that are complemented with work off – classroom. The proposed schedule and program are:
Day 1
– Introduction & presentation of the Waterproofing Data project.
– Basis of remote sensing with radar images.
– Getting radar images of the affected areas of Brazil. Existing repositories. Use of SNAP.
Day 2
– Preparation and analysis of radar images.
– Flood mapping in Brazil, according to date, with images already downloaded and prepared.
Day 3
– Flood mapping in Brazil, according to date, with images already downloaded and prepared. 6.
– Layer debugging and preparation to include the data in the Waterproofing Data project.
All days (1 to 3) at 14h
– (Off-classroom) Team work carry out by 3 to 4 people.
From June 10th to 12th
Online via Zoom, please register here to access the link
Onsite at ETSI Montes, Forestal y del Medio Natural. Edif. Forestales. Aula Proyectos. Edif. Forestales.
C/ Jose A. Nováis 10 – Ciudad Universitaria – 28040 Madrid
This workshop is organized by the EELISA Communites EELISA Water & EELISA Green Planet. Find out more about their activities in the EELISA Community Platform.