#EEDays: ITU PathTalks

PathTalks is your gateway to connect with successful Management Engineering graduates from diverse sectors and departments. Gain exclusive insights from our Alumni, ask your insightful questions, and unlock invaluable advice to shape your future. Join us for dynamic workshops designed to inspire and empower you. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to network with industry professionals…

EEDays: BME Open Day

BME Open Day is a large event where the institution welcomes secondary-school students from the whole country, willing to study at BME. All the faculties will introduce themselves through specific programmes and events. Visitors can attend open lectures, make experiments at laboratories, walk aroud the Campus and also have a look inside the student formations…

EEDays: Start-up Meet & Match

Are you looking for a start-up to be part of? Or are you looking for new team members for your start-up? You’ll find both at the Start-up Meet and Match Event.   Programme   – 6.00 pm  Warm welcome and introduction to the procedere. – 6.15 pm All start-ups and idea providers present their companies…

Learn to be visible with this practical guide to networking!

  The changing dynamics of the European research funding scene, the growing importance of social media and the need to achieve wider societal impact beyond academia requires new strategies for researchers to be visible before potential future collaborators. The interactive session by Dr. Schenk Borbála (Chief European Research Funding Advisor at BME-FIEK Center for University-Industry Cooperation)…