Exploring the Future: Launch of the Second Edition of the EELISA Joint Master in Digital Twins

Digital Twins are virtual replicas of physical entities that use real-time data and simulations to optimize performance and predict outcomes. They are used across various industries, to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and improve decision-making. The integration of digital twins represents a significant step forward in how digitalization impacts society and industry, providing powerful tools to tacke…

PAULA GARCÍA: “Young people are not the generation of the future; we are the voice that must be heard in the present.”

Between April 10-12, the 3rd edition of the European Student Assembly was held at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, a forum attended by over 250 students from alliances of European Universities to discuss current issues and develop policy recommendations for the future of Europe. Paula García, UPM student, shares with us in this interview conducted…

EELISA Governing Board members during Istambul's Strategig Meeting, July 2023

Grand Meeting of EELISA in Erlangen: Consolidating the Future of the Alliance

EELISA Governing Board Members in Istambul, during 2023’s July strategic meeting The Rectors, Vice-Rectors, Presidents and Directors of EELISA, as well as representatives of the EELISA Executive Board, EELISA Student Council and members of EELISA Working Teams, will convene in Erlangen, Germany, from May 22nd to 24th Teams made of students, faculty, researchers, staff, and…

2nd EELISA Student Scientific Competition

Did you know that student scientific conferences in Hungary boast a remarkable 70-year legacy? For nearly seven decades, these conferences have served as the cornerstone of academic excellence, drawing the participation of Hungary’s foremost scientific minds and industrial researchers. Now with EELISA, this tradition is extending its reach, offering EELISA students the opportunity to take…

#EELISAConnnect Workshop: Interactions in nonlinear analysis: variational methods, reaction-diffusion equations, dynamical systems and applications

The mathematical field of nonlinear analysis is used as a tool to study models in several areas of Science and Technology like Physics (e.g., dynamics of bodies, electromagnetism, phase-transitions), Materials Science (e.g., elasticity), Ecology and Epidemiology (e.g., through population dynamics or agent based models) or Chemistry (e.g., reaction-diffusion equations). Several techniques can be used to…

New opportunities & student collaboration: Sonia Maer’s experience at EELISA’s Communication, Dissemination and Branding meeting

With the beginning of a new year and an exciting Phase 2 ahead for EELISA, it becomes imperative for all its members to converge and chart out fresh roadmaps for the years to come. To envision EELISA’s Communication opportunities and challenges, on the 19th and 20th of February 2024, all members of EELISA’s WP3 (Communication,…

#EELISAConnectWorkshop: Sustainable Business Research Week

Sustainability and sustainable development are urgent and necessary research areas due to human activity’s impact on the balance of social and environmental systems. As part of the competencies of future engineers, technical universities incorporate teaching and research in business and economics. Engineering conditions innovation and technological advances, which cannot be left aside from the impact…

#EELISAConnectWorkshop: City of Proximity – the power of local-based initiatives to boost urban transition

How can we make our cities more sustainable and inclusive? Can we leverage the power of proximity to foster local-based urban transitions? Is there a way to collaborate with other researchers from different disciplines and countries to address these complex and interdisciplinary challenges? These are some of the questions that will be explored in the…

#EELISAConnectWorkshop: Teaching and Learning Language Technologies (text and speech) in light of Generative AI

There is a recent and avid burst in universal language models applied to translation, automatic text generation, text summarization, chatbots, speech and language recognition, speaker diarization and multi-speaker speech synthesis. One might have the feeling that only one technology can solve most language processing challenges. At the same time, some experts fear that there might…