#EELISAConnnect Workshop: Interactions in nonlinear analysis: variational methods, reaction-diffusion equations, dynamical systems and applications
The mathematical field of nonlinear analysis is used as a tool to study models in several areas of Science and Technology like Physics (e.g., dynamics of bodies, electromagnetism, phase-transitions), Materials Science (e.g., elasticity), Ecology and Epidemiology (e.g., through population dynamics or agent based models) or Chemistry (e.g., reaction-diffusion equations).
Several techniques can be used to tackle the models and the technical problems that arise in their analysis; for example, variational methods, comparison methods, topological methods, dynamical systems methods. This workshop will bring together experts of the different techniques, stimulating interdisciplinary connections and applications of the techniques to new fields or problems.
Due to the versatility of the models that can be treated in this area, this workshop has direct ties with the challenges of several SDGs (e.g., SDG3 Good health and wellbeing, SDG9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, SDG 13 Climate Action, SDG15 Life on land).
Participation of interested researchers/professor is open and welcome (registration is free buy mandatory).
– Makrina Agaoglou (UPM)
– Emeric Bouin (PSL)
– Andrea Malchiodi (SNS)
– Andrea Tellini (UPM)
– Pedro González Manchón (UPM)
Participation to the workshop is free, but registration is mandatory for organizational reasons
More info
Click here to access the programme and further details
Access here the different abstracts from the talk
April 4th
From the 10th to the 12th of April, 2024
This is an EELISA Connect Workshop funded under EELISA InnoCORE. EELISA InnoCORE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101035811