EELISA Governing Board members during Istambul's Strategig Meeting, July 2023

Grand Meeting of EELISA in Erlangen: Consolidating the Future of the Alliance

EELISA Governing Board Members in Istambul, during 2023’s July strategic meeting The Rectors, Vice-Rectors, Presidents and Directors of EELISA, as well as representatives of the EELISA Executive Board, EELISA Student Council and members of EELISA Working Teams, will convene in Erlangen, Germany, from May 22nd to 24th Teams made of students, faculty, researchers, staff, and…

2nd EELISA Student Scientific Competition

Did you know that student scientific conferences in Hungary boast a remarkable 70-year legacy? For nearly seven decades, these conferences have served as the cornerstone of academic excellence, drawing the participation of Hungary’s foremost scientific minds and industrial researchers. Now with EELISA, this tradition is extending its reach, offering EELISA students the opportunity to take…

New opportunities & student collaboration: Sonia Maer’s experience at EELISA’s Communication, Dissemination and Branding meeting

With the beginning of a new year and an exciting Phase 2 ahead for EELISA, it becomes imperative for all its members to converge and chart out fresh roadmaps for the years to come. To envision EELISA’s Communication opportunities and challenges, on the 19th and 20th of February 2024, all members of EELISA’s WP3 (Communication,…

EELISA Days at PSL! Quiz Night

PSL student representatives at EELISA student board, as a part of ‘EELISA Days’ organized a ‘Quiz Night’ on 13th November 2023. The quiz aimed to increase awareness about ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ and also test students’ knowledge on Europe – Politics, Geography & Culture! The winning team will get a chance to travel to our partner…

Shrinking Places and Cultural Heritage

How are shrinking places linked to cultural heritage? Throughout this seminar series you will be able to get familiarised with up-to-date research on “shrinking places”, threatened by the withdrawal of state engineering and shrinking local budgets. This online international seminar linking shrinking places and cultural heritage is tied together under the theme of sustainable governance…

Building AI ethically? Count me in! Konstantinos Parginos’ experience in Pisa

Last week, the Seasonal School “Ethos+tekhne, a new generation of researchers”, took place in Pisa. This was a groundbreaking student-led activity organised by Scoula Normale Superiore, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna and Université Paris Sciences et Lettres which was selected for funding by the first EELISA Joint Call. During this one-week schoool, participants from different EELISA institutions…