Shrinking Places and Cultural Heritage
How are shrinking places linked to cultural heritage? Throughout this seminar series you will be able to get familiarised with up-to-date research on “shrinking places”, threatened by the withdrawal of state engineering and shrinking local budgets.
This online international seminar linking shrinking places and cultural heritage is tied together under the theme of sustainable governance of shrinking places, questioning the capacity of heritage to be mobilized as a resource for the sustainable development of the territory. It also invites international students to gain a unique insight into the French context, compared to other international contexts.
After introducing shrinking cities and shrinking places as a well-established research topic, the main objective will be to train students to enable reflections on shrinking places and their cultural heritage, looking at culture-led revitalisation strategies, and also at local perceptions, uses, and local practices and drawing comparisons on an international scale.
The seminar follows the format of a weekly series. Online sessions of two to four hours each are planned from October to December 2023. The online format allows for the best possible outreach to the EELISA community, and students from PSL.
How to participate?
If interested, please send an e-mail to the organisers:
Prof. Emmanuèle Cunningham Sabot sabot@ens.fr
Dr. NormaSchemschat schemschatnorma@gmail.com
Alix de la Gaignonnière a.sportichdureau@gmail.com
Gisele Yamauchi giseleyamauchi@yahoo.com.br
Every Thursday, form October 12th to December 21st
*This activity has been organised by the EELISA Community STAR – Sustainable Territories through Action & Research, you can learn more about its activities and other EELISA Communities through the EELISA Community Platform.