EELISA Days Exhibition – “My European University”
The Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées ParisTech (ENPC) and the University of Paris Science and Letters (PSL), both EELISA’s partners, are co-organizing on their respective campuses an exhibition on the theme “EELISA, My European University! “. This activity is part of the EELISA Days initiative, a multicampus share of activities which consists of promoting EELISA through exhibitions, conferences and events in each of the member universities of the Alliance.
This initiative, open to the public, aims to inform visitors about EELISA activities and how they can be involved, no matter their status: students, researchers, academic staff and anyone who may be interested. This exhibition will be held in parallel with several other activities planned as part of the European week (from November 14 to 18, 2022) on the ENPC campus, in particular: the ATHENS week, the EELISA Governing Board which will bring together the Rectors / Presidents / Directors of EELISA Partner Universities, the EELISA Student Council, the EELISA Executive Board Members.
The European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance (EELISA) is the first alliance of Higher Education Institutions (graduate engineering schools, technology universities and full-spectrum universities) from different countries in Europe selected by the European Commission to be part of the “European Universities” initiative. EELISA is meant to define and implement a common model of European engineer rooted in society, as well as transforming higher education based on the values such as sustainability, cooperation and diversity.
From November 10th to December 10th at ENPC
From November 14th to November 18th at PSL
Grand Hall of the Carnot Building located in Cité Descartes, Champs sur Marne
Main Gallery of Chimie ParisTech PSL, 11 rue Pierre et Marie Curie, 75005 Paris.