Ethos + Tekhné: Spring School for AI Researchers
Would you like to be part of the upcoming generation of AI developers able to combine their tekhnè with ethos? If so, this is your spring school!
The school program will unfold over a week of thematic days around key chapters of the Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI. Each day will address a specific question, thanks to lectures in the morning and practical activities in the afternoon.
The five topics will be:
1) The impact of AI on the socioeconomic system,
2) EU regulations on AI,
3) explainable AI (XAI),
4) AI decision-making biases identification and AI trustworthiness assessment, and
5) legal liability in AI.
This event will be open, on-site, to a selected cohort of 30 early-career researchers (research assistants, Ph.D. students, post-docs, exceptional master students) in AI and computational sciences. The activities will also be streamed online for anyone interested in auditing (no selection process in that case).
You will find more information here and the programme here.
This spring school is co-organised between PSL, Scuola Normale Superiore and Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
EELISA participants can be funded to go to Pisa (if they are selected). Ask your home EELISA office to check this possibility
6th-10th of March 2023.
Pisa, Italy
For Whom?
Research assistants, Ph.D. students, post-docs, exceptional master students
If you are interested in the activity, please fill in this form.
The application deadline is the 2nd of February, 2023.

Art by Filippo Galli.