Open call for students and entrepreneurs in the robotics field.
TERRINet is launching the last Open Call of 2022. And you can´t miss it!
TERRINet is a European Research Infrastructure Network of stakeholders in Robotics from both Academia and Industry coordinated by EELISA member Scuola Superiore Santa Anna (Pisa). It offers Trans-National Access (TNA) to top-quality robotics platforms, excellent research services, and training to users in Europe and worldwide. All FREE OF CHARGE!
The TERRINet Project covers travel, accommodation, and subsistence costs to access robotics research infrastructures for selected users or user groups.
The access includes the logistical, technological, and scientific support and the specific training that is usually provided to external researchers using the infrastructure.
The TERRINet robotics research infrastructures are all located in 7 different EU countries (including the UK) + 1 Associated Country (Switzerland).
By definition, a Trans-National Access takes place when a user is selected to access an infrastructure located in a different country with respect to the country of affiliation. I.e., a user affiliated with SSSA cannot apply to the TERRINet infrastructures located at SSSA o nor use facilities located in Italy.
The TERRINet Project is supported by the European Commission under the Horizon2020 Programme (H2020 – INFRAIA-2017-1-two-stage Topic: INFRAIA-02-2017 Integrating Activities for Starting Communities) – GA number: 730994
Students (undergraduate, graduate, Ph.D., Master), Academic and Industrial Researchers, and Entrepreneurs involved in the area of Robotics. Applications from non-roboticists are also encouraged, provided that the proposed research project aims at being implemented by means of a robotic platform.
July 1st, 2022 – November 30th, 2022
Onsite, at the premises of one of the TERRINet Infrastructures: Check locations HERE.
The deadline for applications is May 31st, 2022
TERRINet selects users by an Open Call-based mechanism, made of simple steps: application, evaluation, preparatory phase, and access.
* More info on how to apply HERE
* Find more info about TERRINet HERE
* Check the TERRINet website HERE