EELISA Community for Energy Transition and International Exchange (EELISA’s 1st Student Community)
Our mission is to connect students from EELISA universities with connection to energy technologies. By this, new ideas and approaches for the solution of current problems in the broader topic of energy transition and renewable energies should be discussed and emerge. A strong focus will lie on finding synergies between the academic institutions and the personal background of the participating EELISA students/universities.
What are the key goals of your EELISA Community for 2022?
Our key goals are to consolidate the community, make it sustainable and open up to other EELISA partners. The main project of the year 2022 would be a European event in Brussels in the springtime. The aim would be to encounter EU Energy actors around workshops or conferences.
What kind of Community Engagement are you looking for?
Extracurricular activities, International cooperation.
What kind of people/stakeholders are you looking for?
Every type of stakeholders: students, professors, companies, public partners (at European, national or local scale), NGOs.
What (type of) activities are you offering to Community participants? Please name up to 5 keywords.
Conferences, workshops, visits, conviviality.
Contact: (PSL) / (FAU) / (ENPC).
EELISA Community member institutions & members‘ names: