EELISA DISCOVERY – DesIgning a Sustainable and deCarbOnized uniVERsitY

EELISA DISCOVERY works with and for the university community, in order to collaboratively design, develop and implement actions that contribute to the university campuses’ transition towards more sustainable models. On many aspects, campuses are similar to small- town ecosystems, and when used as testing fields for the application of new technologies and practices, they provide access to crucial data at the community scale. In that sense, DISCOVERY seeks to boost urban decarbonization by experimenting innovative solutions on university campuses that could then be scaled up to city level.

What are the key goals of your EELISA Community for 2022?

Students’ awareness, urban sustainability, citizens participation, multi-actor collaborations, transversal knowledge.


What kind of Community Engagement are you looking for?

Participation, collaborations, joint activities, support, sponsorship.


What kind of people/stakeholders are you looking for?

Professors, researchers, staff, students from EELISA partners. 

NGOs, companies, public administration, research centers, universities interested in our mission.


What (type of) activities are you offering to Community participants? Please name up to 5 keywords.

Formative courses, Workshops, Thesis, Internships, Hackathons.




EELISA Community member institutions & members‘ names:

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM); Istanbul Technical University (ITU).


Further links: