“EELISA Librarians Team”: a network of professionals to promote Open Science within the Alliance.

As an Alliance meant to foster real change within the European Higher Education, bottom-up processes are essential for EELISA. One example of these actions is the “EELISA Librarians Team” formed to give support to EELISA regarding best practices in Open Science. In the words of Burcu Bulut, technical services librarian at the Istanbul Technical University:…

EELISA Knowledge Bites: an online series to feed minds, and souls!

It is time to connect and learn… while having a snack! The “EELISA Knowledge Bites”  is a series of meetings that will take place every other Friday for informal training and learning sessions. In these meetings, experts from all EELISA institutions give talks on useful topics for building, growing, and teaching in #EELISACommunities. Whether you…

The EELISA Governing Board meeting, in the words of student Francesco Serra.

Last Friday, Rectors, Presidents, Director, representatives of external collaborators, staff, faculty, and students from all the member universities of the EELISA Alliance came together to exchange views, discuss plans and ideas on the building processes that are taking place within EELISA.  Among them, we could find Francesco Serra, a student of Scuola Normale Superiore, a…

Workshop at ITU: 1-step closer to pioneer EELISA Communities

Istanbul Technical University (ITU) organized the second kick-off workshop on EELISA communities on Tuesday, 18th May 2021. The target audience of the workshop, a first of a series of events to build awareness on EELISA communities at ITU, included academics and researchers. Approximately 60 participants from various disciplines attended the 3-hour session to brainstorm on…