A Memorandum of Understanding for a Circular future

On October 18th, on the occasion of the World Young Scientist Summit (WYSS) 2023 European Event, the CIRCULAR EELISA Community signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the China-Europe Association for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ACEIE), and the World Young Scientist Summit, (WYSS). The meeting took place in Brussels, and the signing of the Memorandum was attended by Dr. Zhiwei…

EELISA people & institutions, working to have all-inclusive and non-discriminatory environments

Last 5th and 6th October, different people from EELISA institutions gathered in Bucharest for the last stage of the I EELISA Diversity Award. Months earlier, on the 31st May, EELISA InnoCORE launched a call for good practiceswith the aim of gathering examples of actions put in place by individual researchers and research structures (groups, departments,…

EELISA Diversity Award: An interview with winner Hatice Kose

Diversity is a fundamental and invaluable asset that enriches every aspect of society, including workplaces, educational institutions, and communities. For this reason, EELISA’s research and innovation arm, InnoCORE, has actively collected best practices and initiatives implemented by individual researchers and research structures to promote diversity within their teams. The focus extended to encompass various aspects…

Empowering SDGs advocates: EELISA issues new EELISA Credentials!

Over 4,000 participants who have engaged in the innovative and transformative learning experiences organized by EELISA Communities will receive their EELISA Credentials this week. This represents the tangible acknowledgment of their dedication and a testament to their commitment to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals. For EELISA, these participants have been instrumental in bringing to life…

The 1st Enrepreneurship School, a turning point in developing business ideas

More than 25 people from 15 different nationalities gathered last week from the 16th until the 20th of October at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg – Research Campus Waischenfeld for a transformative learning experience focused on entrepreneurship. From Customer Centric Innovation to diving into the depths of Business Design Processes and mastering the Elevator Pitch, students, PhDs and employees from…

#WeAreEELISA 8: Interview with Emília Csiszár, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics

Welcome to the 8th episode of our #WeAreEELISA series! The campaign that aims to shed light on the EELISA microcosm through interviews with high profiles within the EELISA institutions, as well as campus video tours by students from the alliance. Today we have the pleasure of interviewing Prof. Emília Csiszár, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of the…