EELISA Research-based Learning Symposium I
In recent years, a new approach to education has been emerging – a perspective that brings state-of-the-art research outcomes into the classroom and allows students to come face-to-face with real-life challenges that we aim to solve through research. This is called “Research-based Learning” (RBL). A novel methodological and philosophical approach to education that, in contrast to traditional education where technical skills are built bottom-up from theoretical foundations towards applications, shows students how to approach real problems from the get-go, the foundational knowledge that they require, and how it can be obtained.
The first EELISA Research-based Learning Symposium will take place on 17-18 May at Istanbul Technical University (ITÜ), collocated with the innoCORE R&I Symposium on 16 May.
What are the main purposes of the EELISA Research-based Learning Symposium?
* Gather RBL practices applied at each EELISA partner in order to build on the experiences encountered.
* Explore the opportunities in university-business collaboration in RBL, allowing graduates to prepare for what is expected after graduation.
* Promote and showcase the EELISA Communities that are actively working to realize RBL.
* Bring together all parties involved in the EELISA Alliance: students, researchers, higher education administrators, businesses, and citizens, in order to explore opportunities for innovative joint RBL activities.
Why should you join this event?
→ If you are a researcher, the symposium will give you the opportunity to meet and share views with researchers from all the EELISA partner institutions.
→ If you are a student, you can learn about exchange opportunities, share your EELISA experience, meet student teams, familiarize yourself with EELISA Communities and maybe join a Community.
→ If you are a business owner or NGO member, you will have the opportunity to present your organization’s work involving RBL and explore innovative partnerships.
→ If you are a governmental representative, the symposium will allow you to observe the trends in Engineering and its new learning methods.
→ If you are none of the above but would like to know more about RBL, you are invited to this groundbreaking event!
May 17, Tuesday
09.30-09.45 | Mini Concert – ITU Turkish Music State Conservatory | ||
09.45-09.55 | Welcome speech (ITU Rector) | ||
09.55-10.00 | EELISA Executive Director | ||
Keynote speech, Dr. Mahesh Krishnamurthy – Mentorship, Leadership and entrepreneurial mindset: A vision for experiential learning in Undergraduate STEM Education at Illinois Tech
10.45-11.00 | Coffee break | ||
RBL Good Practices – New Ways of Learning – I | STEM Education & RBL – I | ||
11.00-11.15 | Şule Itır Satoğlu (ITU) – Research-based learning through the Undergraduate Engineering Design Projects- An application for the Sustainable Development Goals | 11.00-11.15 | Edmundo Tovar (UPM) – What factors can be considered in the design of RBL experiences? |
11.15-11.30 | Gabriel Pinto (UPM) – Cases of inquiry-based and contextualised STEM education for first-year engineering students | 11.15-11.30 | András Vörös (BME) – Success stories in STEM RBL |
11.30-11.45 | Uwe Fahr & Michael Cursio (FAU) – Research-based learning as a didactical concept | 11.30-11.45 | Oğuzhan Gürlü (ITU) – Mutually beneficial undergraduate student research activities for fundamental science |
11.45-12.00 | Kim Vanselow (FAU) – The integration of Research-Based-Learning in the German higher education system – Reflections and examples from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) | 11.45-12.00 | Franco Ligabue (SNS) – Not just Frontal – The importance of a mult-faceted approach to science teaching |
12.00-12.15 | Q&A | 12.00-12.15 | Q&A |
12.15-13.30 | Lunch | ||
Good Practices – New Ways of Learning – II | Good practices – External Collaboration for RBL – I (Academic perspective) | ||
13.30-13.45 | Pierre-Jean Cottalorda (ENPC) – 3 years of experiments of research based learning for 1st year students (*) | 13.30-13.45 | Ana Goicolea (UPM) – External collaboration for Research Based Learning |
13.45-14.00 | Loredana Manasia (UPB) – New Ways of Learning: A Model to Leapfrogging Student Engagement | 13.45-14.00 | Mariana Ionela Mocanu (UPB) – Blending research in the development of projects within the Decision Support Systems course |
14.00-14.15 | Máté Zöldy (BME) – BME RBL best practices | 14.00-14.15 | Andrei PÂRVAN (UPB) – Innovation as Learning Experience |
14.15-14.30 | Anikó Grad-Gyenge (BME) – Hungarian Startup University Program as a best practice in the field of student innovation | 14.15-14.30 | Axel Parmentier (ENPC) – Organizing a hackathon alongside a computer science course (*) |
14.30-14.45 | Melania Burgelis (Telecom Paris) & Alexandra Belus (PSL) – Project IDEAL – European soft skills for PhD: enhancing transversal skills through innovative doctoral courses | 14.30-14.45 | Carlos Paredes Bartolomé (UPM) – STEM learning integrated into a curricular bottom-up metacognitive pathway |
14.45-14.55 | Q&A | 14.45-14.55 | Q&A |
14.55-15.10 | Coffee break | ||
15.10-15.25 | Elif Küçüksayraç (ITU) – RBL for sustainability in industrial design education: Cases on of different course structures | 15.10-15.25 | Ciprian Dobre (UPB) – When Science and Education benefit from Open Data |
15.25-15.40 | Emrah Acar (ITU) – The use of ITU Learning Stations for RBL | 15.25-15.40 | Gianfranco Adornato (SNS) – Another Brick in the Wall: Theory or Practice? Classical Archaeology, field activity and on-site teaching |
15.40-15.55 | Luca Valcarenghi (SSSA) – Research Based Learning in Telecommunications (*) | 15.40-15.55 | Sevinç Asilhan Sırdaş (ITU) – Evaluation of Research Based Learning and Modern Teaching |
15.55-16.10 | Virginie Boutueil (ENPC) – The Worldwide observatory of shared mobility digital platforms: An innovative research and learning platform in a context of mobility transition | 15.55-16.10 | Paul Rambach (ENPC) – Academic and industrial partners : a common desire to collaborate |
16.10-16.20 | Q&A | 16.10-16.20 | Q&A |
16.20-16.35 | Coffee break | ||
STEM Education & RBL – II | Good practices – External Collaboration for RBL – II (Industry perspectives on RBL) | ||
16.35-16.50 | András Pataricza (BME) – Student Research Societies – 70+ years of tradition in the Hungarian RBL (*) | 16.35-16.50 | Zeynep Erden Bayazıt (ITU) & Mehmet Demiray (Organik Kimya) – When Business Collaborates with University in Co-Creation: LetsInnomind A Challenge-Based Learning Program |
16.50-17.05 | Emmanuel Fort (PSL) – Experimental projects: training through research, for research | 16.50-17.05 | Ayşe Aybike Şeker (Aselsan) – Aselsan Academy, A Graduate Education Program Fostering University-Industry Collaboration |
17.05-17.20 | İmge Akçakaya Waite (ITU) – Insights from a novel graduate-level planning studio design: Research- and experience-based learning | 17.05-17.20 | Kadir Ceran – Arcelik “Design Academy, Garage, Tech-Pro Academy, Atölye 4.0”; New Game – New Rules for Corporates |
17.20-17.35 | Simona Gallerani (SNS) – One day as a researcher | 17.20-17.35 | Tugba Basargan Özsağıroğlu (Ravago) – Ravago Academy: Hands on learning |
17.35-17.50 | Andrei Crividenco (UPB) – CRESCDI – a modern CRIS for open science inclusiveness | 17.35-17.50 | TBA |
17.50-18.05 | Fatma Yavuz & Güncel Gürsel Artıktay (ITU) – Information literacy applications in the university library: ITU Mustafa İnan Library Case | 17.50-18.05 | TBA |
18.05-18.15 | Q&A | 18.05-18.15 | Q&A |
19.00-22.00 | Social program |
May 18, Wednesday
09.30-09.45 | Mini Concert – ITU Dr. Erol Üçer Centre for Advanced Studies in Music | ||
09.45-9.50 | EELISA Student Forum on RBL – Opening | 09.45-09.50 | Wrap-up Workshop on RBL – Opening: Presentation of inputs from the sessions |
09.50-10.00 | Understanding EELISA opportunities | 09.50-10.00 | Highlights from the previous sessions |
Experience sharing by EELISA Students |
Wrap-up Exercise: Link between research, education, and innovation
10.00-11.15 | Judith Wahl (FAU) & Bendegúz Papp (BME) Armaselu Stefania-Maria (UPB) Blanca Travesi (UPM) Germain L’Hostis (PSL) Hortense L’Hostis (PSL) İmran Semanur Arpacı (ITU) Mehmet Ege Gözütok (ITU) Eylül Berke Özgen (ITU) Büşra Gündoğdu (ITU) Pietreanu Theodora (UPB) Zehra Altuntaş (ITU) |
11.15-11.30 | Coffee break | 11.15-11.30 | Coffee break |
Open discussion: Link between research, education, and innovation
13.00-14.15 | Lunch & Closure | ||
14.15-15.30 | Student Brainstorming Session-Links Between Research and Education | 14.15-15.30 | WP5 representatives meeting |
(*): Online speakers
Both days, for the duration of the symposium: EELISA Community Posters and Project Teams’ Posters (available to be viewed in the foyer and our virtual exhibition)
*** Would you like to know more about the content of the RBL symposium? READ HERE
*** Access and download the Symposium’s practical info brochure HERE
*** Extra information for visitors HERE