EELISA Days Exhibition – “My European University”

The Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées ParisTech (ENPC) and the University of Paris Science and Letters (PSL), both EELISA’s partners, are co-organizing on their respective campuses an exhibition on the theme “EELISA, My European University! “. This activity is part of the EELISA Days initiative, a multicampus share of activities which consists of promoting…

The EELISA Credential is already a reality

Last week, an important milestone for EELISA was achieved – the issuance of the first 1,000 EELISA Credentials to participants of the activities promoted by EELISA Communities. The EELISA Communities are mission-driven working groups where education, research, professional experience, and societal challenges merge with the purpose of contributing to real-world challenges through innovative learning activities.…

#WeAreEELISAstudents_2: a French-German-Turkish intersection.

University students embody EELISA’s DNA – they are diverse, curious, creative, and are playing a key role in our Alliance either through their involvement in EELISA communities, as participants of activities, as reporters, or as members of the EELISA’s governance structures. This portrait series aims to give visibility to those pioneer students who are building…

#EELISAWomen_2: From Molecular Systems, to Black Holes to the Happiness of Exploring New Territories.

In this second part of our #EELISAWomen Portrait Series, we travel from France to Italy, to Hungary and back to France. Four creative women from ChimieParisTech-PSL, Scuola Normale Superiore, Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem (BME) and École des Ponts ParisTech share their backgrounds and ideas about EELISA. Ilaria Ciofini Ilaria studied at the University of…