EELISA Days Lecture – Green AI: Image Analysis for Environmental Monitoring. By Dr. Behçet Ugur Töreyin

Dr. Behçet Ugur Töreyin will give a lecture about state-of-the-art image analysis based systems for environmental monitoring. Specifically, wildfire detection and fish behavior analysis approaches will be reviewed. He would also provide an overview of environmental monitoring related projects carried out by the “Signal Processing for Computational Intelligence Group – SPACING” of Informatics Institute at…

EELISA Days Contest – Marshmallow Challenge

“The Marshmallow challenge is among the fastest and most powerful techniques for improving a team’s capacity to generate fresh ideas, build rapport and incorporate prototyping – all of which lie at the heart of effective communication” (Tom Wujec, founder of the Marshmallow Challenge). All of these traits are necessary to meet the challenges of the…

Round table: science diplomacy in times of war

Four days after Russia launched a full-scale military invasion into Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the European Space Agency (ESA) announced that the EU sanctions imposed on Russia as well as the wider political context would make the continuation of the ExoMars program—a joint ESA and Roscosmos (Russian federal space agency) space mission scheduled for…

(E) U AGAINST CO2: Lecture series on climate action

  Current political developments make it clear – climate change and energy transition are one of the most important topics the European Union faces at the moment. After the great success with over 600 registrations in each of the last four semesters, the lecture series (FA)U against CO2 will take place in the summer semester…

#WeAreEELISAstudents_2: a French-German-Turkish intersection.

University students embody EELISA’s DNA – they are diverse, curious, creative, and are playing a key role in our Alliance either through their involvement in EELISA communities, as participants of activities, as reporters, or as members of the EELISA’s governance structures. This portrait series aims to give visibility to those pioneer students who are building…